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What to Say On a First Date

love & relationships

These are some suggestions for what to say when you first meet someone. Avoid asking questions and being interrogated. Instead, ask questions and be sincere. This will make it more interesting and confident. Here are some examples of questions you can ask:

Avoid asking questions on the first date

Experts disagree on whether interrogation on a first date is appropriate. Some argue that asking probing questions is insufficient and could make your date feel desperate. Others, however, argue that asking such questions is essential in getting to know a person better. For example, dating expert Erika Ettin of A Little Nudge advises that you should avoid asking your date personal questions, even if they are personal.


First dates can be a great way to get to know one another better. Avoid asking questions like "how old are you?" Avoid asking questions such as "how old do you think?" or "What do you do for fun?" These questions will help you establish context and history and allow you to verify information. Instead, make your questions light and fun and let the conversation flow. Also, avoid asking questions such as "what would you think about me?" or "What do your parents think about my job?"

Ask a question

Asking a question is one of best ways to impress your date. A first date is meant to help you get to know your partner better. There are a few questions that will help you get to the core of someone's character and beliefs. These questions can help you learn more about your personality and interests.

Ask about the person's interests first. Asking questions about what they are interested in outside of school will show that you are curious and could help you find a study friend. You can also ask about their favorite teacher or what they teach or even odd talents. Whatever you decide to ask them, don't forget to be lighthearted and avoid the clichés. It's important not to sound arrogant and insecure.

Be honest

As a rule of thumb, you should always be honest on a first date. It is important not to contradict your dating profile. It's not nice to disappoint someone so make sure you are true to yourself. Trust and safety can be built by being honest with your first date. Share some of your more private aspects on subsequent dates, like your goals and hobbies.


Sexually active men should disclose their history of STDs. Men will often lie to make themselves look better. If you are dating someone active in politics, it is possible to ask them. If you don't want to talk about it, it is best to keep your mouth shut. If you aren't comfortable discussing the topic, don’t be afraid asking them if their political views might interest you.

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How do you impress your crushes?

First, try to look cool. Dress up. Change into new clothes. Get a haircut.

Second, make it interesting. Talk about things that interest you. Show your knowledge on specific topics.

Third, show her how much you care. Give her little gifts. Write her letters. Send flowers.

Fourth, show that you're interested in her. Get as much information as possible about her.

Fifth, be funny Laugh at her jokes. Play games together.

Be honest. Never lie to her. She deserves honesty.

What are some red flags for online dating?

It is important to avoid some things when you are looking for love online.

First, you shouldn't expect too little from someone who doesn’t already have photos of them. If they wish to see yours they'll first send theirs.

You should also know that if they've only been talking for less than 24hrs, chances are, they've just created an account, and haven't had the time to fill it in yet.

And finally, if they ask you to participate in a video chat, don't do it. It is not worth the risk of being caught on camera by anyone who could be watching.

What should you do on your first date?

Don't talk all night about yourself. It's boring!

You shouldn't just ask questions because they seem easy. If she replies yes, you'll know what she wants.

If she refuses to answer, you will have nothing to add.

Instead, ask her questions about herself. Ask her if she enjoys a particular food, drink or music.

You'll be more open to one another and enjoy their company.

What is it that impresses a guy during a first date?

It's all in your confidence. It's important to believe in yourself, and what you are doing. What will your children feel if you aren't confident in yourself?

Ask someone who has experience to tell you if you should take the plunge. They can tell you if your are ready.

Remember that this is your first date. So don't overdo it. Try to be patient and not pushy.

Relax and allow things to happen naturally. Don't worry if you don't know what to say next. Just smile and look around.

How to get a man to fall in love with me fast?

There are many different ways to attract a man, but I think the best way to do so is to use your personality.

You must make people feel comfortable around and easily connect with others.

Understanding your customers' needs and wants is essential. Only then can you give them what they want.

Keep your mind open and listen to what they have.

Give them the impression you care and would love to spend time together.

Should I wear makeup to my first date?

You shouldn't wear makeup to your first date. You can use mascara, eyeliner and lip gloss.

Cosmetics can enhance your appearance and make you more attractive.

Makeup makes you stand out in the crowd and lets others know that you are well dressed.


  • A 2015 study found college students who consumed a sweet treat during a survey were much more likely to express interest in their date and feel more positive about a hypothetical romantic relationship than those who consumed a salty snack. (insider.com)
  • In fact, only 4% of people think you should purposely wait before replying to a message from a date. (marieclaire.co.uk)
  • In fact, our research shows that over a third (38%) of us admit to a pre-date Google. (marieclaire.co.uk)
  • Yes, the best dating sites are 99% reliable and have a great chance of connecting you to ‘the one'. (abcactionnews.com)

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How To

How to date someone older than yourself

When dating someone older than you, there are many things to consider. You don't have to be a certain age. Age can also mean wisdom, maturity, and your choices. These tips will help you avoid common blunders and find love with someone older than you.

Although experience doesn't always equate with age, living longer can give you more chances to grow and learn, make better decisions, and be a better person. You also get to experience new things that you wouldn't have had if your childhood was still young.

As you grow older, you will also be wiser and more mature. Not only in your personality but also how you act and think. This is because you can reflect back on your youth and learn from them.

Here are some methods to get your older partner to love you.

Be open-minded

It is important to recognize that everyone is an individual and that no two people have the exact same characteristics. While you may be able to relate to someone older than your age, you might not. But don't let that stop you from trying! Everyone has something unique and valuable to share, no matter their age.

Ask questions!

Do not assume that someone older than you knows everything. Ask them questions and listen closely to their answers. This will help you understand why they act the way that they do. It will also make it easier to build relationships based upon mutual respect.

Have Fun

You shouldn't forget that you are dating an older person, but you shouldn't treat them any differently than other people. Try to enjoy the relationship and the experience together without worrying too much about being the "younger" partner.

Learn from each Other

Being an older person is the best way to make a difference in the lives of others. You can learn from people who have lived many years and share your wisdom and knowledge, either by teaching, volunteering, teaching, or simply giving advice. And learning from someone else is much less intimidating than asking someone for advice directly.



What to Say On a First Date